Contoh Curriculum Vitae Bahasa Inggris - CV (curriculum vitae) sangat butuhkan apabila kita mengajukan surat lamaran pekerjaan, CV berfungsi sebagai pelengkap dalam surat lamaran pekerjaan. CV biasanya dilihat oleh seorang yang ditugaskan perusahaan untuk melihat riwayat pendidikan. Curriculum Vitae berisi tentang profil dan riwayat pekerjaan atau pun prestasi seseorang. Untuk membuat curriculum vitae sebenarnya sangatlah mudah, kita hanya diminta untuk menceritakan riwayat pendidikan dan pengalaman kerja yang pernah kita lakukan.
Namun yang menjadi masalah saaat ini banyak perusahaan yang meminta kepada calon karyawan yang ingin melamar diperusahaan itu untuk mengajukan CV dalam bahasa Inggris. Mungkin jika kalian sudah pernah melihat contoh curriculum vitae bahasa Inggris mungkin bisa kalian jadikan referensi contoh CV tersebut namun jika belum pernah coba kalian simak contoh CV dibawah ini.
Namun yang menjadi masalah saaat ini banyak perusahaan yang meminta kepada calon karyawan yang ingin melamar diperusahaan itu untuk mengajukan CV dalam bahasa Inggris. Mungkin jika kalian sudah pernah melihat contoh curriculum vitae bahasa Inggris mungkin bisa kalian jadikan referensi contoh CV tersebut namun jika belum pernah coba kalian simak contoh CV dibawah ini.
Contoh Curriculum Vitae Bahasa Inggris :
Arman Wijayanto
67 Depok, Sout Jakarta
Telephone: (021) 78965567 (Home); 08888896543 (Mobile)
Professional Profile
A senior manager who has the dedication and success orientation in any business achievement within the company. He has created a lot of marketing strategies that have an impact on the growth of the company's assets. Experienced in working with many leading brands in the automotive retail industry and in a competitive way. Has an excellent capacity in the leads and has been working in the company for such a long period of time. Have excellent systems thinking, interpersonal skills, smooth communication, good negotiation skills and the great ability to develop and to maintain internal and external relationships to be able to mutually beneficial. Enjoyed every working environment and team collaboration system has a highly structured and well.
Career Summary
2005–2008 TYRES Indonesia LTD
Interim Network Development Manager
- Perform a project management redevelopment of retail sales in the Indonesian market strategy that aims to expand the market of automotive industry
- Successfully developed a business idea franchise with turnover increase over 50 % in one year
- Develop the site online automotive marketing
- Working closely with many automotive businesses to develop marketing networks
- Actively involved in the retail store concept renewal
- Develop staff and move directly to form an academy automotive company
2000–2005 BDW GROUP
2005–2005 Managing Director, BDW Contact Ltd
- Having a full responsibility for the establishment and management of new business at any branch
- Actively involved in the provision of marketing services to consumers in many branches of the company
- Collaborate well with professionals and third parties in order to increase the company's network
- Perform software organizations to employees management
- Introduce a variety of services and facilitating corporate special 24 hour service for consumers
1998–2003 Operations Director
- Provide management and support to staff so that they achieve the maximum performance in the world of work
- Provide facilities for staff so that they are able to create an excellent customer service
- Maintain full benefits and accountability of losses up to $ 5 million and then achieve revenue growth by more than 10% each year
- Improve marketing management for companies and reduce losses
- Enabling a 5% increase of the actual gross margin in one year through the implementation of staff work in incentive scheme
Education and Qualification
S-1 Degree Economic Management Indonesi University
Professional Development
- Management Development software
- Effective Management of industry
- Marketing Management skills
- Appraisal Training of Management
- Presentation Skills through a High Technology
- Team Work Building
- Finance for Non-financial Managers
- Creativity Training
IT Skillsofil
- Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Blog, Online Marketing and Email
Personal Details
Driving Licence : Full
Health : Excellent; non-smoker
Seperti itulah contoh curriculum vitae bahasa inggris yang baik dan benar. CV sebaiknya ditulis sesuai dengan fakta yang sesuai dengan profil dan riwayat hidup. Jika terjadi informasi yang tidak sesuai maka perusahaan yang kalian lamar pasti tidak akan bersedia untuk memilih kalian sebagai bagian dari perusahaan mereka. Keterangan dalam contoh CV diatas merupakan sample, anda dapat mengubahnya sesuai pengalaman atau riwayat hidup anda sendiri. Jika anda masih kesulitan dalam menerjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris anda dapat menggunakan fasilitasa google translate. Demikian contoh curriculum vitae bahasa inggris yang bisa saya berikan, semoga bermanfaat untuk anda semua.